A Look Back.

Welcome back everyone!

The first post for 2021 is finally here. I have taken some time out as I said over on my social channels but I feel i’m now ready to carry on the blog.
I wanted to start off the new year with a reflective post and a small insight as to what I’d like to tackle this year. I have some new followers with me and I’m so pleased to extend my coastal family!

2020 reflection;

I think it’s good for everyones wellbeing to reflect sometimes on the small wins. It helps to keep you going through challenging times and drive for bigger and better. So I just want to talk about some moments for me on the blog that i’ve been so proud of…

So really for me 2020 started in May.
I switched from Wordpress to Squarespace and really invested in my blog. Interiors, trends and socialising are all passions of mine and I wanted to really put some real effort into making something I was proud of. This was the best move I ever made for my blog and now i’m here. Seeing people look at my site from all over the world is an amazing dream and i’m so grateful to have the opportunity to do it.
The month of May also saw my first re-upholstering project where I made a faux leather directors chair, It was a time consuming project but we got there in the end and I now have a pair (not just one) of beautiful chairs that I still haven’t fallen through yet!

Right at the beginning of June I went on YouTube for the first time! All the kids were off school because of lockdown 1.0 (can we remember that far back?) and so I created a cut out and colour activity that they could enjoy at home. Alongside this I recorded the video to help with making their little room! I never thought I would go on YouTube, I am such an awkward person normally but it was a really exciting change! I also did one of my favourite DIY projects, the leaf bowl! Clearly I had a flair for making videos in June because this came with one too! It was so simple to make but has a huge impact. If you’re wondering where it is now…yes I still have it and it’s in my living room.

July was a little quieter but I looked at some product reviews and home comforts. I also started to prep for my first room makeover!
August was the post I had dreamt of doing when I started the blog. The room makeover! I was able to go into my cousins house post strict lockdown (but still safely!) and makeover little Milos nursery room. I had a great time creating this space for them and received some lovely comments from all of you. I would love to do more when I can leave my house again!

September was a time for trend spotting and styling. I tried something new over on my Instagram (its still in my highlights) where I shared some styling tips and again, I couldn’t have imagined the reception I got. Being able to inspire just one person makes me really happy and all of this worthwhile! I also released ANOTHER video featuring 3 DIY’s for Autumn. It was a bigger challenge for sure but set me up for the next month.

October! Halloween! As many of you already know this is my favourite season and total transparency, I wasn’t supposed to be here for it. I was due to travel back to Los Angeles to visit friends but Ms Rona had other ideas ahead. So, I needed a big project to take my mind off all of that and boy, did I choose something BIG!
Not only was the house decorated but I took on making a 7ft (just over) Jack Skellington to stand in front of my house. The build actually started in August but I went back to full time employment so it delayed slightly. There was a video, a post, social updates and you all seemed to LOVE him! I set him out for Halloween to do something special for the kids after a tough year. They had their photos taken with him and had a great time, it brought me a lot of joy seeing so many happy faces! He was my first major prop build and I couldn’t part with him just yet so…Jack is still standing in my living room until I figure out what to do with him!

Which brings me pretty much to Christmas! We talked small businesses, gifting and home decor. I had a major UK brand re-post me on Instagram for the first time, on Christmas Eve! I gave an insight into how I decorated my house with my first reel! I wanted to focus some efforts on to social media and it paid off…I got to over 100 followers on Instagram in December! It may seem small to many but to me, it’s a big deal!

2021 here I come…

So, looking back I actually had an AMAZING 2020 over here on the blog. Here’s to another year of great achievements. So, whats coming in 2021?
I am looking at redesigning a couple of my spaces at home, one will be my bedroom which will hopefully include a HUGE project, any guesses as to what it is?
Also in the works is an IKEA hack because we all love one of them, more trend updates and EVEN MORE DIY’s!

I recently posted 5 facts on my social channels, so you may or may not know that blogging is not my full time profession. Although i’d like it to be the case, ya girl still has bills to pay SO please bare with me, if I flag behind I still love you but things may take a bit longer than when I was on furlough through last year.

I hope you’re just as excited about this new years journey as I am. If you haven’t checked out my social channels, go ahead and do so! I will be posting on there more now that i’m back and any updates on the blog will go there first.
Check out some of the posts you may have missed from last years hectic schedule. Also, let me know what you would like to see! Comments are open and I’m ready to reply.

I will be back very soon with more posts. See you in the next one!


Real talk…


The Home Gift Edit Pt. 2